The United Republic of Tanzania Parliament Speaker, Dr. Tulia Ackson launched a capacity building session to about 120 parliamentarians on the importance of Protecting Personal Information and Privacy of Tanzanians conducted by the Executive Director of JamiiForums, Mr. Maxence Melo at Msekwa Hall, in Dodoma on 27th of June 2022.

Among other things, Dr. Tulia congratulated JamiiForums and its stakeholders (TLS, LHRC, Twaweza, CIPESA, Paradigm Initiative) for preparing a citizen-centered Model Bill that aims to Protect Personal Information and Privacy.
On May 20th, 2022 JamiiForums officially submitted the Personal Data Protection and privacy Model Bill to the Ministry of Information and ICT and the Parliament after a year-long journey of consultations with multiple stakeholder groups including Tanzania Mobile Network Operators, Tanzania Bankers Association, Government Institutions and Authorities, Civil Society Organizations, Media, Religious groups and other data collectors like health institutions and schools.
Dr. Tulia said it is an important step to come up with an alternative for the broad interests of citizens instead of complaining, saying that the Parliament is ready to learn and cooperate with various institutions.

During the session, Mr. Melo emphasized the importance of having an inclusive and just Law that will safeguard the Dignity of Tanzanians and create a safe space and a friendly Investment landscape in the Country.

A similar engagement is expected to be conducted in Zanzibar for the Members of The House of Representatives in Zanzibar in September 2022. This engagement will also involve the Attorney General of Zanzibar and representatives from the President’s Office.
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